NEW BOOK: From #1 bestselling author Brendon Burchard!

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  1. FREE hardcover copy of High Performance Habits, a Wall Street Journal Bestseller! ($19.95 Value!)*
  2. FREE High Performance Habits Audiobook. Includes download link to the digital audiobook! ($31.99 Value!)
  3. FREE Professional Performance Assessment! This assessment gives you 6 scores that predict your long-term success potential. ($97 Value!)

Offer expires as soon as we run out of books, which will be FAST, so get yours today!

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*High Performance Habits retails for $19.95, but we bought it for you. So you don't pay anything for the actual book. We just ask that you pay your shipping/handling to claim yours so that we can give out as many around the world as possible (just $7 to ship yours anywhere in the world!)

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HURRY, this offer wont last long...

Wall Street Journal Bestseller!
#1 Amazon Bestseller Debut!
#8 on Amazon's Most Sold Charts...
... and now you get it free!

Why am I giving the book away?
Because you guys have been AMAZING to me and I've already hit my goal of a best-seller. Now I just want to give a few thousand books out as thanks. I obviously can't afford to do this forever, so please get your copy now before they're all gone! I bought it for you - so you don't pay for the book itself, which is $18 on Amazon! I just ask you to pay your shipping so I can buy more books to give out.

"Brendon is one of the most influential leaders in the field of personal growth."

- Oprah Winfrey Network

* Free means you are not paying for the actual book. High Performance Habits retails for $19.95, but we actually bought it for you. We just ask that you pay your shipping/handling to receive it so we can give away as many as possible all around the world.

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